Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What do I do if I'm stopped by the police?

Pound on your steering wheel and wish him that it didn't happen to you. Sound familiar? This has happened to all of us at least once and, for some, one to many times. Most people find themselves feeling intimidated, nervous, and generally fearful. Unfortunately, this is a very normal reaction to interacting with the police. I've met judges that say they get Elvis leg when stopped by the police. Cops can be scary. This is not by accident. In some states, they wear tall jackboots, bandolero style leather belts, and short brim hats that flop down to each side. These uniforms often invoke, the worst images associated with intimidation and aggression. Plus, most obviously, they represent "authority"--the people that can get you in trouble.

Here are some simple steps to take if you find yourself on the side of the road with blue lights flashing in your mirror:

  1. Put your hands on your steering wheel at "10 and 2" so the officer can clearly see them.
  2. Give your name, ID, and insurance card, if asked
  3. keep calm and keep your hands in plain view
  4. other than providing your identifying information, remember, you are never obligated to speak to the police. Many people find themselves in trouble when they start rambling and answering questions.
  5. Do not consent to a search of your person, car, or things.
If you have any questions about your rights or obligations if stopped by the police, contact a lawyer. Remember, it's up to you to claim and protect your rights. You can't count on the government to do it for you.

Attorney Rich Taylor


Stephnyc_77 said...

How can you not consent to a search? I feel the police in the area make it very hard to say NO and throw around a lot of different threatening ideas to compel car owners to allow searches. Do the police have rights to then ticket and offer more ramifications for the car owner should they refuse?

Taylor and Yiokarinis, NH Attorneys said...

You cannot be penalized for exercising your constitutional rights. One of these rights is to remain free from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Unknown said...

Very informative and interesting post.It is really a big help. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
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